

This time we cooperated with a very innovative company ThermTech. It’s a startup, whose founders invented this lamp, which is a guaranteed light source, working under any conditions. Using a thermoelectric effect, this lamp transforms heat from a candle into light. There is no need to use batteries, sunlight or wires for this luminiser. It’s a breakthrough in the world of modern technologies and we were really glad to be a part of such a great project.

Animated explainer videos are able to clearly articulate your service or product in less than a minute or two. And since video allows people to acquire more information in less time compared to reading, you get a great chance to win these critical 10 seconds and capture the users’ attention. Plus, animated explainer videos involve both visual communication and audio that significantly enhance the perception.

An animated explainer video makes complex things simple by both explaining your product features to customers, and boosting your business in multiple ways. At Hound Studio we help clients boost their business in creative ways with animated explainer video.



Creative Direction

Design & Animation by Hound Studio


32 seconds


3d animation

lamp transforms heat from a candle into light
Luminiser, convert warmth to electricity
Luminiser, convert warmth to electricity
Luminiser, convert warmth to electricity
Luminiser, convert warmth to electricity
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