What’s Metrics?


After creating your awesome video and uploading it to a hosting platform like YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia etc. it’s time to dive into the science of metrics to see how your masterpiece is performing. In our article about video hosting services we talked about some of their pros and cons. One of the most significant features among such platforms is that they have a feature called metrics, which helps you to learn everything about the response your video is getting. If you use a free version, you may receive less information than pro accounts, but it’ll still give you some statistics to rely on.

  • The most common info you receive is the number of views. Though it only shows you how many people pressed the play button, you still can get the general idea of your video’s success.
  • Engagement is often called the biggest metric experts pay attention to. It shows whether a viewer stayed till the end of a video or stopped watching at some point.
  • Bounce rate is the amount of users that visited your website and left without viewing other pages. This metric is very handy for measuring a video’s success among audience.
  • Time spent on page helps you to compare how much time users spent on your website before and after you uploaded a video.
  • Information about sign-ups, subscriptions etc. will give you a better idea of how good your marketing materials are doing.
  • A/B testing may be handy if you’re not sure whether your video should be long or short, what thumbnail to use etc.

Of course, this is not the full list of the possible information you can receive after downloading your video to a hosting service. Depending on what your priority is, you can choose the most suitable one and get the best out of it.