Custom video vs. Template

Here and now any business can’t exist without powerful advertising. Many enterprises are obsessed with the idea of getting their own platform on the Net. And here another obstacle arises – what should be the content of the site. Every entrepreneur whose business is connected with the Internet (goods, services) wants to get the most extraordinary, …

Inspired by art: Picasso

Exceptionally prolific throughout the course of his long life, Picasso achieved universal renown and immense fortune for his revolutionary artistic accomplishments, and became one of the best-known figures in 20th-century art. He tried himself in neoclassic, surrealism, developed cubism and was equally successful in every style he tried. By today he remains the top-ranked artist and people …

5 things you need to know about character development for explainer videos

Creating a character is a complicated multistage process. Its design must match its nature. In an animated explainer production the person who creates it is called a Character designer. The rules, that are used while creating it are next: S-curve, spike, asymmetry, silhouette and the unity of form. These rules are needed so that the character to be …

Inspired by art: Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting. Also, he liked  architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography. People called him the father of paleontology, and architecture. A lot of people know that he is one of the greatest painters of …

Inspired by art: Maurits Cornelis Escher

Maurits Cornelis Escher is one of a few artists whose work features mathematical objects and operations including impossible objects, explorations of infinity, reflection, symmetry, perspective, truncated and stellated polyhedra, hyperbolic geometry, and tessellations. Although Escher considered that he had no mathematical ability, he interacted with the practising mathematicians George Pólya, Roger Penrose, and Harold Coxeter, read …

Inspired by art: Alex Grey

Alex Grey (born November 29, 1953) is an American visionary artist, author, teacher, and Vajrayana practitioner. His body of work spans a variety of forms including performance art, process art, installation art, sculpture, visionary art, and painting. Grey’s paintings have been featured in venues as diverse as the album art of Tool, The String Cheese …